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. 2023 Oct 17;10:1195026. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1195026

Table 1.

Patients detailed data (clinical and radiological manifestation, serum marker, and cancer antigen alterations) before and after PECT.

Patient ID PECT site Target lesion Clinical manifestation changes
Clinic (measured circumference) Clinic (% of changes) Radiology Radiology (% of changes) Serum markers Serum marker (% of changes)
30 days before PECT to Day 0 Day 0 to After PECT 30 days before PECT to Day 0 Day 0 to After PECT 30 days before PECT to Day 0 Day 0 to After PECT
8 Both Lung Lobes Not measurable Most Prominent Lung Nodule Increasing in size and number of lung nodules Completely vanish ESR 55% −86% -No clinical changes
14 Left Breast Not measurable Left breast 7 O’clock mass 128% −57% ESR 100% −57% -Significant reduction in pain and edema of the left breast
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
Left breast Lower Inner Quadrant mass 57% −54% LDH 38% −39%
Left breast Upper Outer Quadrant mass 47% −34%
13 Epigastric Wall Epigastric wall mass 0% −10% Epigastric wall mass 34% −26% CA125 7% −17% -Healing of hysterectomy wound
-Significant reduction of ki67 from 30 to 3
-Significant reduction in pain of epigastric wall mass
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
5 Liver Abdominal circumference 5% −6% Left liver lobe mass1 62.5% −100% PSA 35% −19% -Healing of the abdominal pain
-Improvement of defecation condition
-Reduction in abdominal circumference (amount of ascites)
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
Left liver lobe mass2 17% −100% AST 239% −40%
ALT 30% 25%
Caudate liver lobe mass 52% −29% ALP 206% 10%
y-GT 46% 10%
1 Left Breast and left axillary Left wrist 11% −11% Left breast 12 O’clock mass 33% −52% CA125 8% 7% -Healing of the breast and upper limb pain
-Significant reduction of left upper limb and breast edema
-Decreasing adhesion of tumor and ability to do the mastectomy
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
Left elbow 30% −13%
Left arm 19% −17% Left breast Axillary mass1 6% −23% CA15-3 9% −35%
Right wrist 1% −5%
Right elbow 3% −5% Left breast Axillary mass2 7% −49% CEA 22% −38%
Right arm 2% −4% Left breast Upper Outer Quadrant mass 28% −35%
9 The wound of right upper back Wound area on the skin of the right upper back 100% ~ − 90% No mass CA125 44% −31% -Significant reduction in pain of ulcers
-Ability to sleep supine (on the wound)
-Healing of the wound and decrease in wound area
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
CA15-3 17% −37%
CEA 57% −6%
4 Liver Abdominal circumference 2% −5% Segment 7 liver mass 83% −25% CA125 46% −11% -Significant reduction in abdominal pain
-Reduction in abdominal circumference (amount of ascites)
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
Segment 7 liver mass 13% −3% CA15-3 95% −8%
CEA 492% −6%
26 Liver Not measurable Right liver lobe mass 36% −32% CA125 231% 104% -Abdominal and lower back pain reduction
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness and sleeping condition
CA15-3 87% 32%
CEA 244% 32%
AST 141% 37%
Left liver lobe mass 383% −48% ALT 75% 22%
ALP 85% 16%
y-GT 120% 51%
3 Right Breast Not measurable Right Retro areolar mass 10% −78% CA125 492% 116% -Right breast pain reduction
-Right breast stiffness and edema reduction
-Decreasing in size and number of breast subcutaneous nodules and masses
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
Right breast 9 O’clock mass 6% −68% CA15-3 11% 0.6%
Right breast 10 O’clock mass 5% −20% CEA 22% 66%
Right breast 9-10 mm far zone mass 7% −66%
27 Liver Not measurable Left liver lobe mass 53% −48% CA125 103% 46% -Capable to walk
-Abdominal pain reduction
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
Right liver lobe mass 18% −15% CA15-3 39% −75%
LAP posterior IVC mass 33% −45% CEA 0% 33%
LAP portahepatis 1 mass 27% −25% AST 52% 34%
LAP portahepatis 2 mass 21% −6% ALT 46% −41%
LAP portahepatis 3 mass 23% −18% ALP 39% 36%
y-GT 148% 82%
28 Wound of Right Breast (site of mastectomy) No mass No mass CA125 7% −14% -Complete healing of the breast pain
-Significant healing of the right mastectomy site wound
CA15 − 3 2% −3%
CEA 0% −19%
ESR 46% −50%
CRP 75% > −43%
20 Neck Not measurable Neck lymphadenopathy 10% −16% Thyroglobulin 10% −22% -Improvement of hoarseness
-Improvement of swallowing condition
7 Neck and lung Not measurable Neck lymphadenopathy 190% −77% AntiThyroglobulin 39% −15% -Decreasing neck mass size
-Improvement of hoarseness
-Improvement of swallowing condition
2 Left Breast Not measurable Left Breast Axillary tail mass 50% −48% CA125 25% −39% Stiffness, edema, pain, and size of left breast reduction
Left Breast Lateral part mass 8% −46%
Left Breast UOQ mass 117% −63% CA15-3 31% −35%
Left Breast UIQ mass 49% −86% CEA 2% −25%
Left Breast 6 O’clock mass 25% 62%
6 Liver Abdominal circumference 7% −5% Spleen Volume 5% −21% CA19-9 16% −24% -Volume reduction of the splenomegaly

-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
Gallbladder Size 15% −25% CEA 46% −26%
Most prominent liver Mass 10% −3% AST 48% −18%
Segment 8 liver mass Because of the liver heterogeneity tumor was not obvious −25% ALT 40% −9%
Right liver lobe mass Because of the liver heterogeneity tumor was not obvious −100% ALP 29% −23%
y-GT 9% −13%
22 Skin of right breast No mass No mass CA125 31% 19% -Breast pain reduction
-Skin erythema reduction
CA15-3 9% 7%
CEA 17% 40%
12 Epigastric region mass circumference in physical examination 25% −30% Epigastric mass 66% −100% CA19-9 30% −34% -Epigastric pain and stiffness of epigastric area reduction
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
CEA 91% −39%
40 Liver Not measurable Segment 5 liver mass 58% 0% CA19-9 21% −7% -Abdominal pain healing
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, sleeping condition
Segment 8 liver mass 166% 0% CEA 22% 2%
Left liver lobe 62% −21% AST 32% −25%
ALT 0% −20%
Right liver lobe mass 55% 29% ALP 145% −59%
y-GT 59% 1%
29 Periumbilical Not measurable Abdominal right lower quadrant mass 104% −27% CA125 58% 41% -Abdominal pain reduction
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
CEA 22% 9%
Right para umbilical mass 37% −20% a-FP 16% 14%
HCG 13% −20%
24 Periumbilical Region Abdominal circumference 8% −1% Liver mass 28% 25% CEA 92% 6% -Capable to walk
-Abdominal pain reduction
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
Spleen mass 98% 40% CA19-9 194% 13%
Periumbilical mass 54% −1% AST 92% 111%
ALT 62% 53%
Pelvic Cavity mass 16% −9% ALP 27% −20%
y-GT 35% −6%
24 Liver Abdominal circumference −1% −3% Liver mass 25% −9% CEA 6% 6% -Capable to walk
-Abdominal pain reduction
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
Spleen mass 40% −7% CA19-9 13% 5%
Periumbilical mass −1% 6% AST 111% 33%
ALT 53% 40%
Pelvic Cavity mass −9% 30% ALP −20% −11%
y-GT −6% −4%
16 Lungs Not measurable Lung nodules Increasing No significant change ESR 142% 61% -Improvement of cough
-Improvement of dyspnea from FCIV to FCII
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
CRP 328% 47%
33 Left Flank Not measurable Excluded from the trial CA125 50% 36% -Complete healing of flank pain
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
37 Liver Not measurable Segment 2 liver mass 100% −78% CA125 28% −67% -Capable to walk
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
CA19-9 30% −31%
AST 12% 6%
ALT 20% −17%
ALP 15% −20%
y-GT 40% −36%
ESR 49% −81%
CRP 24% −83%
11 Left and Right axilla Left wrist 20% −37% Excluded from the trial Excluded from the trial -Significant reduction in upper limbs pain
-Significant reduction in upper limbs edema
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, sleeping condition
Left elbow 24% −18%
Left arm 18% −17%
Right wrist 10% −18%
Right elbow 17% −20%
Right arm 12% −14%
31 Right groin and pubic area Not measurable Pelvic cavity mass Increasing in size and developing new masses on the skin of the head, chest, etc. stable ESR 48% 1% -Right groin pain reduction
-Healing of the lower limbs paresthesia
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
CRP 75% 46%
41 Left breast Not measurable Left breast masses Increasing in size and number stable CA125 20% −10% -Reduction in left breast pain and size
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
CA15-3 67% −12%
CEA 85% 42%
19 Left upper back left upper back tumor 90% −49% Just clinically measured Excluded from the trial -Capable to walk
-Healing the pain of the upper back tumor
-Decrease the size of the upper back tumor
-Ability to sleep in the supine position on the tumor
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
25 Left breast and left upper back No mass No mass Excluded from the trial -Capable to walk
-Significant reduction in pain of ulcers
-Ability to sleep supine (on the wound)
-Healing of the wound and decrease in wound area
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
10 Frontal mass Frontal mass 242% −86% Just clinically measured CA125 23% −39% -Decreasing frontal mass size
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
18 Left breast mass Left breast mass 21% −26% Just clinically measured CA125 43% −11% -Reduction in the left breast and breast mass pain
-Reduction in size and edema of the left breast
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
CA15-3 26% −29%
CEA 4% −5%
35 Liver Not measurable Segment 4a liver mass 10% −30% AST 10% 5% -Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
segment 4b liver mass 25% −26% ALT 15% 13%
Segment 5 liver mass 34% −57% ALP 12% 0%
segment 6a liver mass 60% −77% y-GT 100% −4%
segment 6b liver mass 10% −14% CA19-9 51% 21%
Segment 8 liver mass 15% −13% CEA 110% 4%
34 Left breast wound No mass No mass CA125 85% 55% -Reduction in discharge, bleeding, and area of left breast wound
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
CA15-3 70% 25%
CEA 67% 32%
ESR 40% −46%
CRP 35% −19%
36 Liver Not measurable Left lobe liver mass 37.50% −10% AST 97% −43% -Reduction in pain and tenderness of right upper quadrant
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
ALT 107% −43%
ALP 144% −31%
y-GT 57% −29%
CA19-9 116% 21%
CEA 6% 59%
17 Lungs Not measurable Lung nodules stable stable ESR 50% 31% -No clinical changes
CRP 50% 778%
39 Right breast mastectomy site Not measurable Just blood exam has been done CA125 70% 49% -Reduction in pain of right breast
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
CA15-3 65% 33%
CEA 10% 0%
30 Right eyeball Just microscopic investigation has been done Just microscopic investigation has been done ESR 40% −55% -Reduction of angiogenesis and abnormal cells in cancerous site
-Improvement of anorexia, general weakness, and sleeping condition
CRP 0% 0%
15 Excluded from the study
32 Excluded from the study
23 Excluded from the study
21 Excluded from the study
38 Excluded from the study

Red color: The primary and secondary values are out of the normal range.

Blue color: The primary and secondary values are in the normal range.

Green color: The primary value is out of the normal range, and the second value is normal.

Orange color: The primary value is in the normal range, and the second value is out of the normal range.