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. 2014 Feb 6;2014(2):CD002207. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002207.pub4

Magura 2009.

Methods Two‐group, open‐label, randomised clinical trial, with randomisation through a random numbers generator. Participants randomised and allocated to treatment group by receipt of sealed envelope created by investigator not involved in recruitment.
Participants Geographic region: USA (NYC prison inmates).
 N = 133.
 100% male.
Inclusion criteria: Inmates 18 ‐ 65 years eligible for treatment, with 90 days jail term or less, residing in area after release from jail.
Exclusion criteria: female gender, already in methadone maintenance treatment or took non‐prescribed street methadone in past 3 days, or evidence of psychosis or HIV infection and NESB.
Interventions 12 weeks of maintenance, flexible dosing with a ceiling dose of 32 mg for BMT and 70 mg for MMT. Buprenorphine/naloxone (sublingual tablets) median dose 12 mg (range 4 ‐ 20 mg). Methadone median dose 30 mg (10 ‐ 70 mg).
Outcomes Retention in treatment, self‐reported heroin use, crime (re‐incarceration).
Funding source NIDA grant (R21‐DA020583), and buprenorphine donated by ReckiitBenckiser.
Declarations of interest "Authors declare they have no conflict of interest".
Notes Inmates. 17 participants randomised to receive buprenorphine dropped out prior to receiving medication. For this analysis used intention‐to‐treat although in published articles the 17 were not included in analysis.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Random number generator.
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Sealed, pre‐numbered envelopes. Random number generator used and conducted by someone not involved in recruitment.
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Open‐label. Objective outcome measurement not influenced by lack of blinding.
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Intention‐to‐treat used in meta‐analyses.