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. 2023 Oct 26;186(22):4834–4850.e23. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.09.002

Anti-SND1 antibody (rabbit) Bethyl Cat# A302-883A, RRID:AB_10631268
SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) NSP9 antibody (rabbit) GeneTex Cat# GTX135732, RRID:AB_2909871
SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) nucleocapsid antibody (rabbit) GeneTex Cat# GTX135357, RRID:AB_2868464
SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) NSP3 antibody (rabbit) GeneTex Cat# GTX135614, RRID:AB_2887505
Normal Rabbit IgG Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 2729, RRID:AB_1031062
Anti-SND1 antibody (mouse) Proteintech Cat# 60265-1-Ig, RRID:AB_2881386
Anti-SND1 antibody (rabbit) Proteintech Cat# 10760-1-AP, RRID:AB_2193410
Anti-dsRNA J2 antibody (mouse) Jena Bioscience RNT-SCI-10010200
Anti-FLAG (mouse) Sigma-Aldrich Cat# F3165, RRID:AB_259529
Anti-V5 (rabbit) Abcam Cat# ab9116, RRID:AB_307024
Anti-Actin (rabbit) Sigma Aldrich Cat# A2103, RRID:AB_476694

Bacterial and virus strains

SARS-CoV-2 Peterhoff et al.78 N/A

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Dynabeads Protein G Thermo Fisher Scientific 10004D
T4 Polynucleotide Kinase New England Biolabs M0201L
FastAP Thermosensitive Alkaline Phosphatase Thermo Fisher Scientific EF0651
100% DMSO Sigma-Aldrich 41639
50% PEG8000 New England Biolabs B10045
T4 RNA ligase high concentration New England Biolabs M0437M
5 M NaCl VWR International A7006.1000
Proteinase K New England Biolabs P8107S
0.1 M DTT Thermo Fisher Scientific Y00147
Lithium Chloride Merck Millipore 5922-500ML
Dodecyl maltoside Carl Roth CN26.5
Sodium dodecyl sulphate Omnilab APP A3942.1000
Sodium deoxycholate Sigma-Aldrich 30970-25G
IGEPAL CA-630 Sigma-Aldrich I8896-100ML
Complete EDTA-free protease inhibitor cocktail Sigma Aldrich 11873580001
Murine RNase inhibitor New England Biolabs M0314L
Turbo DNase Thermo Fisher Scientific AM2239
EDTA VWR International A4892.1000
EGTA Carl Roth 3054.1
Urea Sigma-Aldrich U0631
TCEP Sigma-Aldrich 646547
16% Formaldehyde (w/v), Methanol-free Thermo Fisher Scientific 28908
4',6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole (DAPI) Thermo Fisher Scientific D1306
Fluoromount-G Mounting Medium Thermo Fisher Scientific 00495802
Dynabeads MyOne Streptavidin C1 Thermo Fisher Scientific 65002
Dynabeads MyOne Silane Thermo Fisher Scientific 37002D
AMPure XP beads Beckmann Coulter A63881
NHS-activated magnetic beads Thermo Fisher Scientific PIER88827
N-laroylsarcosine VWR International SAFSL7414-50ML
Benzonase Merck Millipore 71206-3
RNase I Thermo Fisher Scientific AM2295
ExoSAP-IT Thermo Fisher Scientific 78201.1.ML
SUPERase-In RNase Inhibitor Thermo Fisher Scientific AM2696
Trichloroacetic acid Sigma-Aldrich T0699-100ML
Lipofectamine 2000 transfection reagent Thermo Fisher Scientific 11668019
FuGene HD transfection reagent Promega E2311
NuPAGE 4-12% Bis-Tris Protein Gels Thermo Fisher Scientific NP0335BOX
NuPAGE 3-8% Tris-Acetate Protein Gels Thermo Fisher Scientific EA0378BOX
AffinityScript reverse transcriptase Agilent 600109
PowerUp SybrGreen master mix Thermo Fisher Scientific A25778
SsoAdvanced Universal SYBR Green Supermix Biorad Laboratories 1725272
4-Thiouridine Biosynth Carobsynth NT06186
Iodoacetamide Thermo Fisher Scientific A39271
Buffer RLT Qiagen 79261
Poly-A-Polymerase Takara 2180A
ATP New England Biolabs N0437A
SMARTscribe Reverse Transcriptase Takara 639538
Q5 Hot Start High-Fidelity 2x Master Mix New England Biolabs M0494L
Deoxynucleotide Mix Agilent Technologies 200415
Lipofectamine RNAiMAX Life Technologies 13778030
Anti-FLAG® M2 Magnetic Beads Merck Millipore M8823
Proteintech ChromoTek V5-Trap Magnetic Agarose Proteintech V5TMA
Triton-X 100 Sigma-Aldrich T9284-100ML
RNase H New England Biolabs M0297L
4x LDS sample buffer Thermo Fisher Scientific B0007
QX200 ddPCR EvaGreen Supermix BioRad 1864034
QX200 droplet generation oil for EvaGreen BioRad 1864006
2′-deoxythymidine-3′,5′-bisphosphate Biosynth NT09781
SND1 recombinant protein Origene TP300059
NSP9 recombinant protein Abcam ab289608

Critical commercial assays

Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit Thermo Scientific Cat# 23225
CellTiter-Glo® Luminescent Cell Viability Assay Promega G7571
Duolink in situ red starter kit Sigma Aldrich DUO92101-1KT
Duolink in situ detection reagents green Sigma Aldrich DUO92014-30RXN
HCR IHC + HCR RNA-FISH Kit Molecular Instruments N/A
Qubit dsDNA HS Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Q32851
Direct-zol RNA MicroPrep Zymo Research R2063
RNA Clean & Concentrator-5 Zymo Research R1015
Zymoclean Gel DNA Recovery Kit Zymo Research D4007
NEB Next rRNA Depletion Kit v2 New England Biolabs E7400X
RED-MALEIMIDE 2nd Generation kit NanoTemper Technologies SKU: MO-L014

Deposited data

Illumina sequencing data This paper GEO: GSE217429
CoIP proteomics data This paper PRIDE: PXD037528
RAP-MS proteomics data This paper MassIVE: MSV000090682
Source code for quantification and statistical analysis This paper and

Experimental models: Cell lines

Human: Huh-7 cell line Virology Diagnostics Unit at Institute of Virology and Immunobiology, University of Würzburg N/A
Human: Calu-3 cell line Virology Diagnostics Unit at Institute of Virology and Immunobiology, University of Würzburg N/A
Human: A549ACE2 cell line A. Pichlmair N/A
African Green Monkey: Vero-E6-TMPRSS2 cell line S. Pöhlmann N/A
Human: HEK293T U. Fischer N/A


RiL-19: /5Phos/rArGrArUrCrGrGrArArGrArGrCrArCrArCr
van Nostrand et al.41 N/A
AR17: CAGACGTGTGCTCTTCCGA van Nostrand et al.41 N/A
van Nostrand et al.41 N/A
Universal forward PCR primer:
van Nostrand et al.41; Illumina customer service letter N/A
Barcoded reverse PCR primer: CAAGCAGAAGACGG
van Nostrand et al.41; Illumina customer service letter N/A
Biotinylated antisense probes Schmidt et al.8 N/A
HCR probes NegativeSense_N Molecular Instruments PRK126
ON-TARGETplus Human SND1 (27044) siRNA - SMARTpool Dharmacon L-010657-01-0005
ON-TARGETplus Human ACE2 (59272) siRNA - SMARTpool Dharmacon L-005755-00-0005
ON-TARGETplus Non-targeting Pool Dharmacon D-001810-10-20
Template-switching oligo: Biotin/TACACGACGCTCTT
Basak et al.79 N/A
This paper N/A
RdRP Fwd qPCR primer:
Corman et al.80 N/A
RdRP Rev qPCR primer:
Corman et al.80 N/A
N Fwd qPCR primer:
Corman et al.80 N/A
N Rev qPCR primer:
Corman et al.80 N/A
18S rRNA Fwd qPCR primer:
Schmidt et al.8 N/A
18S rRNA Rev qPCR primer:
Schmidt et al.8 N/A
SARS-CoV-2 leader Fwd qPCR primer:
This paper N/A
SARS-CoV-2 ORF1a (gRNA) Rev qPCR primer:
This paper N/A
SARS-CoV-2 M (sgmRNA) Rev qPCR primer:
This paper N/A
SARS-CoV-2 N (sgmRNA) Rev qPCR primer:
This paper N/A

Recombinant DNA

pLEX_307 David Root Addgene plasmid
SND1 (NM_014390) Human Tagged ORF Clone Origene RC200059
pDONR223 SARS-CoV-2 NSP9 Fritz Roth Addgene plasmid
pLEX-SND1 This paper N/A
pLEX-SND1-FLAG This paper N/A
pLEX-NSP9-V5 This paper N/A
CRISPR/Cas9 control plasmid Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-418922
SND1 CRISPR/Cas9 KO plasmids Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-403949

Software and algorithms

Spectrum Mill MS Proteomics Software Broad Institute
ImageJ Schneider et al.81
R The Comprehensive R Archive Network
Python Python Programming Language
BWA Li and Durbin82
Picard Tools Broad Institute
Samtools Li et al.83
Bedtools Quinlan and Hall84
MACS2 Zhang et al.85
Trimmomatic Bolger et al.86
STAR Dobin et al.87
IGV Robinson et al.88
Big-FISH Imbert et al.89
DAVID Bioinformatics Resources DAVID 6.8