Figure 5.
Circular visualization of the plastome comprehensive analyses of three Cerastium species (C. nigrescens, C. arcticum, and C. alpinum). The first outer track represents the chloroplast gene symbols. The second line track (A) shows haplotype diversity (π) values calculated for sliding window equal to 800 bp. The red part of the line plot depicts regions with the highest diversity (π > 0.015). Histograms (B) show comparative Ka/Ks ratio values for Cerastium species, where blue, red, green and black colors depict the dominant Ka/Ks values in C. arcticum, C. nigrescens, equal for C. alpinum and C. nigrescens, and equal for all three species, respectively. Both scatter plots show the number of potential C > U and U > C editing sites within each plastid gene (C,D, respectively). The colors describe higher numbers of RNA editing sites in C. arcticum (blue points) and C. nigrescens and C. alpinum (green points) in comparison to other compared species.