Varying venetoclax partner drugs alters associations of sensitivity with AML tumor cell state. A, Concordance of drug-sensitivity cell state Pearson correlations for training and test sample cohorts. Colors indicate significant P values [after adjustment for family-wise error rate (FWER)] for both cohorts (purple), training set only (green), and test set only (orange). B, Clustered heat map of Pearson correlation r values for venetoclax (Ven) combination sensitivities (left) and respective single-agent sensitivities (not clustered, right) with respect to tumor cell state gene-expression signatures. Negative (blue) and positive (orange) correlation values correspond to sensitivity and resistance, respectively. C, Sensitivity of Ven + azacytidine and selected Ven combinations with respect to individual patient sample cell state. Dots represent individual patient specimens across the cell state spectrum defined by monocyte-like versus progenitor-like expression scores. Ex vivo drug sensitivity (AUC) is denoted in the color scale hue of each dot. Max, maximum.