(A) Schema showing doxycycline-inducible expression of ZNF683 in Jurkat cells.
(B) Volcano plot showing genes differentially regulated by ZNF683 induction by RNA-seq.
(C) CUT&RUN on Jurkat cell lines (top) shows binding of ZNF683 at regions surrounding key immune genes that correspond to differential ATAC-seq peaks in T cell subsets33 and prior PRDM1 ChIP-seq data30. N, Naïve; CM, Central memory, PD-1high, PD-1 high tumor infiltrating CD8 T cells.
(D) Top pathways predicted to be differentially regulated by ZNF683 through CISTROME-GO analysis.
(E) Top predicted motifs for ZNF683 (top) compared to reference PRDM1 motif30 (below).