(A) In the second session of the 3-chamber test, Cacna1dIle772Met/+ (Het) mice show a slight preference for social interaction as seen by longer total durations spent near the unfamiliar stranger (Mann-Whitney U test; nWT = 19, P = 0.22, U = 201; nHet = 18, P = 0.04, U = 251). (B) During the third session of the 3-chamber test, Cacna1d Ile772Met/+ — but not WT mice — show a preference for the unfamiliar stranger (Mann-Whitney U test; nWT = 19, P = 0.60, U = 162; nHet = 18, P = 0.001, U = 70) (C–I) Parameters determined in the social proximity test. The increase in nose-to-anogenital, crawl-over, crawl-under, and jump escape events are considered indicative of increased anxiety and avoidance behavior (Mann-Whitney U test; nWT = 10, nHet = 8). P = 0.66, U = 34.5 (C); P = 0.17, U = 24 (D); P = 0.008, U = 9.5 (E);P = 0.002, U = 10 (F); P = 0.1, U = 21 (G); P = 0.003, U = 6 (H); P = 0.002, U = 5.5 (I). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.