(A) BUN time course after Rhabdo-AKI in BALB/c mice: 15 mice before injury (day 0) and day 1 after injury, 9 at day 3, and 3 at day 7. (B) Expression of injury marker mRNAs. (C) RAR target gene mRNAs in 5 uninjured and day 1 mice, 4 at day 3, and 3 at day 7. (D) Spatial distribution and kinetics of RAR signaling after Rhabdo-AKI in RARE-LacZ mice. Kidneys stained for LacZ activity, 3 before injury (day 0); 4 at days 1 and 3; 3 at day 7; and 5 at day 14 after injury. (E) Percentage of area staining for LacZ in the cortex (C); OSOM; inner stripe of the outer medulla (ISOM); and inner medulla (IM). LacZ staining at different time points after injury. LacZ staining is pseudocolored in white, and kidney regions are demarcated by dotted lines in the first panel. Scale bars: 500 mM. B and C used 1-way ANOVA; if P < 0.05, q values are shown for between-group comparisons corrected for repeat testing.