Table 1. Five components of educational content of Tele-midwifery application.
Content | Details | Teaching methods and number |
1. Pregnancy | The third trimester complications, healthy eating, relaxation technique, emotional change in pregnancy, fetal development, female anatomy, sharing feelings and concerns related to pregnancy, COVID-19 symptoms, and preventive measures | Videos: 2 Texts: 23 Pictures: 10 Audio: 2 |
2. Labor and childbirth | Signs of labor, different stages of labor, coping techniques with labor, including, breathing and relaxation exercises, birth positions, massage, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, pushing techniques, birth support partner, common myth about labor contractions, share feelings and thoughts about labor and childbirth, identify feeling about childbirth, visualization of childbirth | Video: 1 positive childbirth experience stories video and audio: 3 pictures:5 Texts: 10 |
3. Interventions during the labor and childbirth | Induction and augmentation of labor, episiotomy, epidural, amniotomy, vaginal examinations in labor, preparing a birth plan, visualization of childbirth according to the birth plan | Videos: 1 Texts: 10 Pictures: 5 Audio: 3 |
4. Childbirth mode | Cesarean section: indications, side effects, surgery preparation, recovery, operative vaginal birth: forceps or a vacuum extractor | Videos: 1 Texts: 5 Pictures: 2 Audio:1 |
5. Postpartum | Physical and psychological changes during the postpartum period, parenthood, mother-baby interaction, breastfeeding, newborn care, nutritional care, postpartum sexuality, family planning, sharing feeling and thought about the postpartum period | Videos: 1 Texts: 15 Pictures: 8 Audio: 4 |