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. 2023 Oct 2;26(11):1894–1905. doi: 10.1038/s41593-023-01443-z

Fig. 4. Motion-opponent inhibition is mediated by the glutamate-gated chloride channel GluClα.

Fig. 4

a,a′, The inhibitory glutamate receptor GluClα localizes to VS and HS cell dendrites. b,b′, GluClα localizes mainly to lobula plate layer 3 in LPi3-4 cells. c,c′, GluClα localizes predominantly to lobula plate layer 4 in LPi4-3 cells. d,d′, GluClα localizes to the axon terminals of T4/T5c cells in lobula plate layer 3. nc82 staining is shown in blue in ad. eg, Voltage response traces to PD and ND motion (e), directional tuning curves (f) and MOIs (left) and LDir indices (right) (g) of LPi4-3 cells from control (gray) and GluClα-RNAi flies (blue). Scale bars in ad, 10 µm. Data in eg are from Ctrls (n = 7) and GluClα-RNAi (n = 7 flies). *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001. The dots and thin lines represent individual flies. The thick lines and error bars indicate the mean ± s.e.m. In g, a two-sided Welch’s t-test was used. See also Extended Data Fig. 4.

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