Fig. 2.
PC LTD is not inducible in adult rats while LTCC-dependent LTD can be induced in aged rats following extinction training. (A) LTD induction of fEPSPs in naive rats (n = 15 adult, n = 11 aged) showed no difference between adult and aged groups. (B) LTD induction of fEPSPs in olfactory threat–conditioned (Cond.) rats (n = 9 adult, n = 9 aged) showed no difference between adult and aged groups. (C) LTD induction of fEPSPs in extinction-trained rats (Extinc.) (n = 20 adult, n = 12 aged) showed that LTD was not inducible in adult rats. (D) Comparisons of % EPSP slopes in various groups of adult and aged rats. (E) LTCC-, but not NMDAR-mediation of LTD in aged rats that underwent extinction training (n = 10 APV, n = 10 Nimo). (F) Comparison of LTD induction in aged rats in E. Nimo: nimodipine. Scale bars for example fEPSP traces, 10 ms/0.2 mV. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.