Figure 1. Representative Primary Afferents and Endings: RS-Merkel, RRC-Merkel, Lanceolate, and Club-like.
(A) Morphologies labeled via intra-axonal injection. Arrows indicate trunks of labeled afferents. Arrowheads indicate peripheral endings.
(B) Example 3D reconstructions of follicles that contained recorded axons. Axons and terminals are yellow. Skin, follicle capsule, vibrissal shaft, and Ringwulst are blue, cyan, gray, and green, respectively. Axon thickness and terminal size are exaggerated for clarity. Expanded views for each reconstruction (right column) show semiquantitative renderings of mechanoreceptor terminal shapes. The scale for the longest dimension of the mechanoreceptor is quantitatively accurate, although the scale for the other two dimensions is approximate, due to limitations of the microscope and 3D Neurolucida tracing system.
RW, Ringwulst; SG, sebaceous gland; VS, vibrissal shaft. See also Figures S1, S2, and S3 and Table S1.