Evolution of the concentration
of total dietary protein (TDP)a at the different stages
of the in vivo digestion
of basal feed (∼15% crude protein dry matter) as affected by
either drinking water (control) or a 30% fructose water solution for
10 weeks. aTotal dietary protein (TDP, g/100 g digests)
was calculated in feeds, luminal material of each compartment of the
GIT, and feces as follows: TDP (g)= [(WSN – NPN) – Ep]
× 6.25; WSN is water-soluble nitrogen, NPN is nonprotein nitrogen,
and Ep is the metabolic/endogenous nitrogen.24,25 Ep refers to nitrogen-containing biomolecules (i.e., proteins, peptides,
etc.) secreted at each stage of the GIT of an animal receiving a protein-free
diet. Results are presented in dry matter, and hence, the moisture
of each sample was also taken into account.