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. 2023 Nov 2;22:330. doi: 10.1186/s12936-023-04751-8

Table 1.

Distribution of pharmacies by section

Section Sub-section Total number of pharmacies distributed by sub-section Number of pharmacies to be visited by sub-section
Abobo Abobo 54 18
Anyama 6 2
Adjamé Adjamé 31 10
Attécoubé 14 5
Williamsville 6 2
Cocody Riviera 36 12
Akouédo–Faya–Abatta–Cité SIR 9 3
Bingerville 5 2
Cocody 17 6
II Plateaux/Angré 48 16
Koumassi Koumassi 37 12
Port-Bouet–Adjouffou–Jean Folly–Gonzague 7 2
Port–Bouet 12 4
Vridi 5 2
Marcory Marcory 38 13
Plateau Plateau 21 7
Treichville Treichville 33 11
Yopougon Yopougon 107 36
Total 486 163