Fig. 2. Bona-fide tissue-resident B cell compartments in non-lymphoid organs confirmed by parabiosis.
a Schematic showing parabiosis experimental setup (left): Congenically marked WT animals were connected for 5 weeks before organs harvesting. Flow cytometry (middle) and quantification (right) of peripheral blood CD19+ lymphocytes chimerism in each parabiont, (n = 6 per group). Data representative of two independent experiments. b Percentages of host-derived extravascular IgM+IgD-, DN, naïve and B-1a B cells found in kidney, liver, lung, female reproductive tract (FRT), spleen and blood from parabiosis experiment described in a. P values were calculated with two-tailed Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test: *P = 0.0312, FRT & Fat (B-1a) P = 0.0625, spleen (B-1a) P = 0.1250, blood (IgM+IgD-) P = 0.8438, blood (B-1a) P = 0.9999. c Schematic showing B-cell depletion experimental setup (left): WT C57BL/6 mice were injected with anti-mouse CD20 depleting antibody or isotype control. On day 7, EdU was introduced into their drinking water for 21 days, after which organs (incl. blood) were harvested. Percentage of B cells in peripheral blood leukocytes from these mice was checked both on day 7 and 28 (right, n = 5 per group). Data representative of two independent experiments. d Absolute extravascular CD19+ cell counts found in kidney (controls n = 10, depleted n = 9, ****P < 0.0001), urinary bladder (n = 5, P = 0.5476), liver (n = 5, **P = 0.0079), lung (n = 5, P = 0.6905), peritoneal wash (n = 5, **P = 0.0079) and spleen (n = 5, **P = 0.0079) from depleted mice or controls on day 28 as described in c. P values were calculated with two-tailed Mann-Whitney U test. e Percentage of EdU positive cells in extravascular naïve, IgM+IgD-, DN and B-1a B cell compartment found in organs from circulating B-cell depleted mouse cohort as described in c. P values were calculated with paired two-tailed t test (data normality confirmed with Shapiro-Wilk test): Kidney (n = 8) ***P = 0.0003 (IgM+IgD-), ***P = 0.0002 (DN), ***P = 0.0004 (B-1a); bladder (n = 5) ***P = 0.0005 (IgM+IgD-), *P = 0.0313 (DN), ***P = 0.0010 (B-1a); liver (n = 5) *P = 0.0193 (IgM+IgD-), *P = 0.0119 (B-1a); lung (n = 5) ***P = 0.0006 (IgM+IgD-), ***P = 0.0004 (B-1a); peritoneal (n = 5) ***P = 0.0001 (IgM+IgD-), **P = 0.0060 (DN), ***P = 0.0006 (B-1a); spleen (n = 5) **P = 0.0047 (IgM+IgD-), **P = 0.0089 (DN), **P = 0.0055 (B-1a). Representative flow cytometry plots are shown in Supplementary Fig. 2d. All box plots show medians. Source data are provided with this paper.