Fig. 2 |. Genome editing facilitated by engineered AsCas12f systems.
a, Indel frequencies mediated by wild-type and engineered AsCas12f, in comparison to wild-type UnCas12f and CasMINI with an engineered UnCas12f sgRNA (ge4.1), in HEK293T cells. b, Box-and-whisker plot of indel frequencies delivered by AsCas12f and UnCas12f systems shown in a. c, Indel frequencies mediated by wild-type AsCas12f, enAsCas12f, and CasMINI-ge4.1 in HCT116 (left) and HeLa (right) cells. d, Box-and-whisker plot of indel frequencies delivered by enAsCas12f and AsCas12a. e, Box-and-whisker plot of indel frequencies delivered by enAsCas12f and SpCas9. Two independent replicates were carried out in a and c. For b, d, and e, all data points (n = 17 target sites in b and d, n = 8 target sites in e) were plotted, with the centerline representing the median and the whiskers showing the minimum to the maximum. The boundaries of the box indicate the first and third quantiles. P values were determined by two-tailed paired Student’s t-test.