Statistics of VIS Atlas database
A. The breakpoint distribution of HPV genotypes. B. The breakpoint distribution of HBV genotypes. C. The breakpoint distribution of EBV genotypes. D. The top 15 hotspot integration genes of HPV16 in each chromosome. Clock arms and points represent chromosomes and genes, respectively. E. The top 15 integration hotspot genes of HBV Type C in each chromosome. F. The top 15 hotspot integration genes of EBV Type 1 in each chromosome. G. The co-occurrence of hotspot integration genes of HPV16 in samples. The co-existing relationship of integration genes is illustrated by connected lines between gene points. H. The co-occurrence of hotspot integration genes of HBV Type C in samples. I. The co-occurrence of hotspot integration genes of EBV Type 1 in samples. J. The common hotspot integration genes shared by HPV, HBV, and EBV. K. The integration events in junctional MH-mediated patterns were summarized in three viruses. L. The integration events possessing SD-MMEJ patterns were summarized in three viruses.