Figure 2.
Lack of effect of GS967 on APD, CV restitution, or alternans in LMC (left column) and LQT2 hearts (right column). A) APD restitution in the absence and presence of 30 nM GS967. APD restitution curves did not show statistical differences in either LMC or LQT2 rabbits before or after GS967. Black; 0 nM, Red; 30 nM GS967. B) CV restitution from LMC and LQT2. The CV was not affected at CL=350 ms but showed slight reduction at short DIs. C) Sample traces of action potential alternans from LMC and LQT2 rabbits during ramp pacing. D) APD differences between odd and even beats (ΔAPDalternans) before (black) and after 30 nM GS967 (red).