Fig. 8.
Remyelination is minimally delayed in Mertk cKO mice following cuprizone-challenge. A Demyelination was induced in Mertk WT and cKO mice with oral administration of cuprizone for 5 weeks followed by 2 or 4 weeks on normal feed to allow for remyelination to occur. B Representative TEM images of the corpus callosum of Mertk WT and cKO mice after 2 and 4 weeks recovery on standard chow. Scale bar represents 2 µm. C The density of myelinated axons was similar between Mertk WT and cKO mice following 2 and 4 weeks remyelination (2-way ANOVA; P = 0.36). D Myelin thickness was significantly lower in Mertk cKO mice compared with Mertk WT following 2 weeks recovery (simple linear regression; P = 0.0003), however by 4 weeks recovery (D), myelin thickness was similar between genotypes (simple linear regression; P > 0.05). Data obtained from n = 4 mice per group. Myelin thickness analysed by simple linear regression. Myelinated axon data represent means ± SD