Supplementary Table 2.
Modified Newcastle - Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale
Case Control Studies |
1. Selection of controls |
a. From study base (2) |
b. Not from study base (1) |
c. Other, incl. ecological, no description (0) |
2. Adjustment of confounders |
a. Adjustment for most important potential confounders (2) |
b. Adjustment for some potential confounders (1) |
c. Adjustment for no confounders except age, gender, race/ethnicity, calendar period (0) |
3. Ascertainment of exposure |
a. Objective record (eg employment records, biomarkers) (2) |
b. Structured interview blind to case/control status, GIS (1) |
c. Interview not blinded to case/control status, self-report, proxy (e.g., residence) (0.5) |
d. No description (0) |
4. Response rate |
a. Both groups over 90% (2) |
b. One or both groups between 60- 90% (1) |
c. One group under 60%, no description (0) |
5. Latency |
a. Adequate latency between exposure and outcome (>15 yrs) (2) |
b. Limited latency between exposure and outcome (5-15 yrs) (1) |
c. Inadequate latency between exposure and outcome (<5 yrs), no description (0) |
6. Outcome |
a. Cancer registration (2) |
b. Death certificates, hospital records (1) |
c. Self report (0.5) |
d. No description (0) |
Cohort Studies |
1. Selection of unexposed cohort |
a. Derived from the same population as the exposed (2) |
b. Derived from a different source (1) |
c. Other, no description (0) |
2. Adjustment of confounders |
a. Adjustment for most important potential confounders (2) |
b. Adjustment for some potential confounders (1) |
c. Adjustment for no confounders except age, gender, race/ethnicity, calendar period (0) |
3. Ascertainment of exposure |
a. Objective record (e.g., employment records, biomarkers) (2) |
b. Structured interview blind to outcome status, GIS (1) |
c. Interview not blinded outcome status, self-report, proxy (e.g., residence) (0.5) |
d. No description (0) |
4. Follow-up rate |
a. Follow-up of both groups over 90% (2) |
b. Follow-up of one or both groups between 60- 90% (1) |
c. Follow-up of one group under 60%, no description (0) |
5. Latency |
a. Adequate latency between exposure and outcome (>15 yrs) (2) |
b. Limited latency between exposure and outcome (5-15 yrs) (1) |
c. Inadequate latency between exposure and outcome (<5 yrs), no description (0) |
6. Outcome |
a. Cancer registration (2) |
b. Death certificates, hospital records (1) |
c. Self report (0.5) |
d. No description (0) |