Table 1. Histopathology Changes Caused by Membranous Nephropathy.
Microscopy → Stage ↓ |
LM | IF | EM |
Stage 1 | Normal GCL | IgG fine granular in GCL | Subepithelial electron-dense deposits |
Stage 2 | Thick GCL with GBM spikes (MSS) | IgG granular in GCL | Subepithelial electron-dense deposits with spikes |
Stage 3 | Thick GCL and with chain links (MSS) | IgG granular in GCL | Subepithelial electron-dense deposits involved by the GBM |
Stage 4 | Thick GCL with variable changes (MSS) | IgG granular and GCL variable | GBM with variable irregularities |
LM: light microscopy; IF: immunofluorescence microscopy; EM: electron microscopy; GCL: glomerular capillary loop; MSS: methenamine silver stain; GBM: glomerular basement membrane.