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. 2023 Nov 1;7(6):zrad082. doi: 10.1093/bjsopen/zrad082

Table 4.

Clinical versus administrative comparison of each composite quality measure

Instrument Procedure/specialty dependent versus system relevance Time perspective Routine/research based Cost of obtaining data Degree of clinical expertise required
DAOH21 System Up to 30 days after index surgery Routine Low None
I-FEED22 Procedure/specialty Up to discharge or POD 7 Research High High
HARM3,23–25 System Duration of hospital stay and 30-day readmission and mortality rate Routine Low (High if relying on ACS-NSQIP) None
SCOUT26 Procedure/specialty Length of postoperative stay and 30-day mortality rate Research High High
MTL27 System Duration of hospital stay and 22- or 30-day mortality rate Research Low (High if relying on ACS-NSQIP) None
TO28 Procedure/specialty Length of postoperative stay Research Variable Variable
TISS30 Both Length of postoperative stay Routine ICU High Variable
PQS31 Procedure Length of postoperative stay Routine Variable (High if relying on ACS-NSQIP) Variable
DIMICK32 System Duration of hospital stay and 30-day morbidity rate and mortality rate Routine Low (High if relying on ACS-NSQIP) None
PMI29 Procedure/specialty Up to 30 days after index surgery Routine Low (High if relying on ACS-NSQIP) Variable

LOS, length of (hospital) stay; HARM, Hospital stay, Readmission, and Mortality; DAOH, Days Alive and Out of Hospital; SCOUT, Surgical Complication OUTcome; MTL, Mortality, Transfer, Length-of-stay; TO, Textbook Outcome; NSQIP, National Surgical Quality Improvement Program; TISS, Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System; I-FEED, Intake, response to nausea treatment, Emesis, Exam, and Duration; PQS, Patient Quality Score; PMI, Post-operative Morbidity Index; DIMICK, Dimick et al. 2013; POD, post-operative day; NSQIP, National Surgical Quality Improvement Program