Table 4.
Clinical versus administrative comparison of each composite quality measure
Instrument | Procedure/specialty dependent versus system relevance | Time perspective | Routine/research based | Cost of obtaining data | Degree of clinical expertise required |
DAOH21 | System | Up to 30 days after index surgery | Routine | Low | None |
I-FEED22 | Procedure/specialty | Up to discharge or POD 7 | Research | High | High |
HARM3,23–25 | System | Duration of hospital stay and 30-day readmission and mortality rate | Routine | Low (High if relying on ACS-NSQIP) | None |
SCOUT26 | Procedure/specialty | Length of postoperative stay and 30-day mortality rate | Research | High | High |
MTL27 | System | Duration of hospital stay and 22- or 30-day mortality rate | Research | Low (High if relying on ACS-NSQIP) | None |
TO28 | Procedure/specialty | Length of postoperative stay | Research | Variable | Variable |
TISS30 | Both | Length of postoperative stay | Routine ICU | High | Variable |
PQS31 | Procedure | Length of postoperative stay | Routine | Variable (High if relying on ACS-NSQIP) | Variable |
DIMICK32 | System | Duration of hospital stay and 30-day morbidity rate and mortality rate | Routine | Low (High if relying on ACS-NSQIP) | None |
PMI29 | Procedure/specialty | Up to 30 days after index surgery | Routine | Low (High if relying on ACS-NSQIP) | Variable |
LOS, length of (hospital) stay; HARM, Hospital stay, Readmission, and Mortality; DAOH, Days Alive and Out of Hospital; SCOUT, Surgical Complication OUTcome; MTL, Mortality, Transfer, Length-of-stay; TO, Textbook Outcome; NSQIP, National Surgical Quality Improvement Program; TISS, Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System; I-FEED, Intake, response to nausea treatment, Emesis, Exam, and Duration; PQS, Patient Quality Score; PMI, Post-operative Morbidity Index; DIMICK, Dimick et al. 2013; POD, post-operative day; NSQIP, National Surgical Quality Improvement Program