Figure 3.
Functional enrichment analysis of proteins identified as Annexin A2 binding partners in the presence of collagen-I. (A) (i) Comparison of the overlap between identified proteins within “collagen-I ALL” list and constituents of the extracellular matrix, derived from the MatrisomeDB (63) (ii) Protein-protein interaction network of the 5 proteins identified in (i). Interactions were assessed with String (40) and visualized using the StringApp in Cytoscape set at 0.4 confidence level (41). Node coloured indicates MASCOT (MS/MS) score. Edge line thickness denotes the confidence of association between protein nodes. (B) Protein-protein interaction network of the 23 proteins identified in the “collagen-I only” list. Assessed as in (A) (ii), with 0.3 confidence level. (C) Functional enrichment analysis of Annexin A2 binding partners in “collagen-I ONLY” was carried out using the PANTHER overrepresentation test (43). Molecular Function overrepresentation test shows cell adhesion molecule binding to be the most significantly enriched term in the list of identified proteins. (D) Cellular Compartments overrepresentation test shows a wide range of significantly overrepresented GO terms, including several extracellular associated terms.