Figure 1.
3D-PLS-DA scatter plot of (a) MeOH:H2O (8:1 v/v)extracts determined by ESI(+)-RP-UHPLC-QTOF-MS and (b) ESI(−)-RP-UHPLC-QTOF-MS; (c) ACN:MeOH (6:4 v/v) extracts determined by ESI(+)-RP-UHPLC-QTOF-MS; (d) MeOH:H2O (4:1 v/v) extracts determined by ESI(+)-HILIC-UHPLC-QTOF-MS; (e) Venn diagram with the common number of metabolites in the different studied groups. CONTROL: black dots; PRE: green dots; POSTA: blue dots; and POSTB: red dots.