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. 2023 Nov 7;9(4):e12432. doi: 10.1002/trc2.12432


Some widely used cognitive tests.

Test abbreviation Full test name Cognitive domains Cutoff score Language of development and validation Number of translated versions
MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment Short‐term memory, visuospatial abilities, executive function, attention, concentration, working memory, language, orientation to time and place <26/30 English, French 100 (for the full version)
MMSE Mini‐Mental State Examination Attention and orientation, memory, registration, recall, calculation, language praxis

Max. score 30

Cutoff: 19–27; the exact value is age and education dependent

English 73
RUDAS Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale Memory, orientation, praxis, recall, language <22/30 English Not available
ACE‐III Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination‐III Orientation and registration, attention and calculation, memory, language <84 (lower bound)−88 (upper bound)/100 English 38
Mini‐Cog Memory, executive functions <3/5 English 23