Immunological profiling of BMDCs after mRNA treatment. Protein expression levels of 25 types of cytokines, interferons, and chemokines were quantified 24 h after mRNA introduction to mouse BMDCs. Colors in the heatmap represent protein levels relative to untreated control. Among 25 types of molecules, nine types (IFN-γ, IL-2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12p40, 12p70, and 15) were below detection limits, and data from the other 16 are shown. n = 6. LF, Lipofectamine; PPP, 5′ triphosphate; G-CSF, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. In Separate, mRNA and tooth with tooth amount equal to that in 1 tooth were separately formulated with LF for addition to BMDCs.