Figure 1.
HMO structures found in human milk. Structures of the core human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) found in human milk including linkages of HMO building blocks and the glycoyl hydrolase enzymes which act to degrade HMOs. Legend for the monosaccharide constituents of HMOs on the top and glycosyl hydrolases on the bottom left. HMO and HMO components shown include Lac: lactose; LacNAc: N-acetyllactosamine; LNB: lacto-N-biose; LNT: lacto-N-tetraose; LNnT: lacto-N-neotetraose; LNFPI: lacto-N-fucopentaose-I; DFL: difucosyllactose; 2’-FL: 2’ fucosyllactose; 3-FL: 3-fucosyllactose; 3’-SL: 3’sialyllactose; 6’-SL: 6’sialyllactose.