Fig. 1.
Symptom saliency from round 1 patient interviews (N = 12). Bothersome ratings are based on the number of patients who provided a rating, which is not always the same as the number of patients who endorsed the concept. As a result of the iterative process during the interviews, some concepts were not explored with all the patients but were discussed later in the process, thus with fewer patients. Additionally, some patients provided qualitative descriptions and even with gentle encouragement by the interviewer did not provide a quantitative number. Therefore, not all symptom concepts were able to be included in this saliency grid. There are five symptom concepts for which no bothersome rating was provided, and which do not appear in this graph, including fatigability upon exertion, fatigability progression throughout the day, trouble aspirating saliva, sleep apnea, and cognitive impairment. The most salient signs and symptoms identified by patients are shown within the box. GI gastrointestinal