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. 2023 Nov 7;330(17):1653–1665. doi: 10.1001/jama.2023.19761

Table. Summary of Findings and Strength of Evidence From Trials Assessing Efficacy of Medications With at Least Low Strength of Evidence for Benefit for Alcohol Use Disordera.

Acamprosate Baclofen Disulfiram Gabapentin Naltrexone Topiramate
50 mg/d, oral 100 mg/d, oral Injection Any dose
Return to any drinking
No. of studies 20 8 3 3 16 3 2 25 1
No. of participants 6380 995 622 522 2347 946 939 4604 106
Results effect size (95% CI) RR, 0.88 (0.83-0.93) RR, 0.83 (0.70-0.98) RR, 1.03 (0.90-1.17) RR, 0.92 (0.83-1.02) RR, 0.93 (0.87-0.99) RR, 0.97 (0.91-1.03) RR, 0.96 (0.90-1.03) RR, 0.95 (0.92-0.99) Topiramate, 53.8%; placebo, 72.2%
Number needed to treat (95% CI)c 11 (1-32) 18 (4-32)
Strength of evidence Moderate Low Low (no effect) Low Moderate Low (no effect) Low (no effect) Moderate Insufficient
Return to heavy drinking
No. of studies 7 4 0 3 23 2 2 27 1
No. of participants 2496 483 0 522 3170 858 615 4645 170
Results effect size (95% CI) RR, 0.99 (0.94-1.05) RR, 0.92 (0.80-1.06) RR, 0.90 (0.82-0.98) RR, 0.81 (0.72-0.90) RR, 0.93 (0.84-1.01) RR, 1.00 (0.82-1.21) RR, 0.86 (0.80-0.93) Topiramate, 10%; placebo, 14%
Number needed to treat (95% CI)c 11 (5-41)
Strength of evidence Moderate (no effect) Low (no effect) Insufficient Low Moderate Low (no effect) Low (no effect) Moderate Insufficient
Percentage of drinking days
No. of studies 14 5 2 1 15 3 2 24d 8
No. of participants 4916 714 290 112 1992 1023 467 4021 1080
Results effect size (95% CI)b WMD, −8.3 (−12.2 to −4.4) WMD, −5.55 (−18.79 to 7.69) No significant difference No significant difference WMD, −5.1 (−7.16 to −3.04) WMD, −2.3 (−5.60 to 0.99) WMD, −4.99 (−9.49 to 0.49) WMD, −4.51 (−6.26 to −2.77) WMD, −7.2 (−14.3 to −0.1)
Strength of evidence Moderate Low (no effect) Insufficient Insufficient Moderate Low Low Moderate Moderate
Percentage of heavy drinking days
No. of studies 2 9 0 3 7 2 3 13 9
No. of participants 123 1112 0 600 624 423 956 2167 1210
Results effect size (95% CI)b WMD, −3.4 (−6.45 to 5.86) WMD, −2.16 (−7.34 to 3.02) No significant difference WMD, −4.3 (−7.60 to −0.91) WMD, −3.1 (−5.8 to −0.3) WMD, −4.68 (−8.63 to −0.73) WMD, −3.92 (−5.86 to −1.97) WMD, −6.2 (−10.9 to −1.4)
Strength of evidence Insufficient Low (no effect) Insufficient Low (no effect) Moderate Low Low Moderate Moderate
Drinks per drinking day
No. of studies 2 2 0 2 9 1 0 16 7
No. of participants 139 146 0 428 1018 240 0 2011 922
Results effect size (95% CI)b WMD, 0.6 (−1.43 to 2.64) WMD, 0.85 (−2.23 to 3.93) No significant difference WMD, −0.49 (−0.92 to −0.06) WMD, 1.9 (−1.5 to 5.2) WMD, −0.85 (−1.44 to −0.26) WMD, −2.0 (−3.1 to −1.0)
Strength of evidence Insufficient Low (no effect) Insufficient Low (no effect) Low Insufficient Insufficient Low Moderate
Motor vehicle crashes or injuries
No. of studies 0e 0 0 0 0 2
No. of participants 0 0 0 0 0 541
Results effect size (95% CI)b Reduced risk
Strength of evidence Insufficient Insufficient Insufficient Insufficient Insufficient Low
Quality of life or function
No. of studies 1 2 0 0 5 2
No. of participants 612f 384g 0 0 1844h 118i
Results effect size (95% CI)b No significant differencej No significant difference Some conflicting resultsk No significant difference
Strength of evidence Insufficient Low (no effect) Insufficient Insufficient Insufficient Low (no effect)
No. of studies 8 4 0 0 6 3
No. of participants 2677 660 0 0 1738 507
Results effect size (95% CI)b 7 events (acamprosate) vs 6 events (placebo) 8 baclofen vs 3 placebo 1 event (naltrexone) vs 2 events (placebo) Not reported
Strength of evidence Insufficient Insufficient Insufficient Insufficient Insufficient Insufficient

Abbreviations: RR, risk ratio; WMD, weighted mean difference.


Blank cells indicate data not applicable. Strength of evidence was not rated for naltrexone by dose. Heavy drinking days was defined as ≥4 drinks/d for women and ≥5 drinks/d for men.


Negative effect sizes favor intervention over placebo/control.


Lack of entry for number needed to treat indicates that the relative risk (95% CI) was not statistically significant, so the investigators did not calculate a number needed to treat or the effect measure was not one that allows direct calculation of number needed to treat (eg, WMD).


One study contained 2 treatment groups included in the meta-analysis.79


Results were not reported for each treatment group separately, but there were no clinically significant differences across treatment groups.


Quality of life and functioning were assessed with the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) and 12-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12) version 2 physical and mental health scores.


Quality of life and functioning were assessed with the Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire and the 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36).


Each trial used a different measure to assess quality of life and functioning, including the Short Inventory of Problems, SF-36, WHOQOL, SF-12 version 2 physical and mental health scores, Drinker Inventory of Consequences, and SF-12.


Quality of life was assessed with the SF-36.


Results were not reported for each treatment group separately, but there were no clinically significant differences across treatment groups.


One study rated as having unclear risk of bias reported that 1 patient in the placebo group died by “accident.” No other details on the cause or nature of the accident were provided.44 That study also reported 1 injury in the acamprosate group and 2 in the placebo group. Another study, rated as having high risk of bias, reported a “traffic accident” in the acamprosate group.80