A: Confocal image showing a wide-field and inset of AI GFP-labeled (green) viral injection site and excitatory corticothalamic (CT) projection expressing the ArchT pump. Insets show MGB neurons (63x) receiving labeled projection terminals (ArchT, green), and labeled with glutamatergic marker (VGlut1, red) as well as the nuclear marker (DAPI, blue). Merged image depicts colocalization of ArchT with VGlut1. B: Sets of sinusoidally amplitude modulated (SAM) stimuli used in the present study. Standard (100% modulation depth ) SAM stimuli with either a tone or broadband noise carrier in 500 ms epochs from 2 Hz to 1024 Hz modulation frequencies [] (B, a-j). Stimuli were presented at between 2 Hz to 1024 Hz as either predictable/repeating or random sets (B, k). Exemplar waveforms of temporally weakly modulated/less distinct SAM (25% modulation depth []) at 16 Hz (B, l).