Preference ratios (PR) (total spikes to predictable trials/total spikes to random trials) across all in response to distinct, less distinct SAM stimuli, less-distinct stimuli with corticothalamic blockade (CT blockade). A: Unit recording from awake rat MGB showed a clear preference for random distinct stimuli. B: Responses to predictable (repeating) SAM stimuli increased from 18% (14/80), to 49% (39/80), in response to across . C: Optical CT blockade reversed the predictable preference of MGB neurons to 19% (14/80, in response to less SAM. Significant differences were seen between vs. , vs. blockade and blockade vs. + recovery (Chi-Square test, p < 0.05). D: PR values plotted on a continuum of increasing PPI values for each of 54 MGB units showing differential responses to distinct, (blue dots) vs. less-distinct, stimuli (red dots) and with CT blockade (green dots). The green trend line shows that CT blockade dramatically decreased the PR in response to (red trend-line) approaching the response to stimuli (blue dots).