Figure 1. Proviral sequence classification in all analyzed HIV-1-infected cells from three study participants.
(A) Pie charts reflecting proportions of proviruses classified as intact or defective in study participants 1-3 (P1-P3). All proviruses identified by single-genome, near-full-length, next-generation sequencing and by counting amplification products in agarose gel electrophoresis were included. The total number of individual sequences included is listed below each pie chart. (B) Pie charts indicating proportions of intact and defective proviruses detected once (classified as non-clonal) and detected multiple times (classified as clonal). The total number of proviral sequences identified by single-genome, near-full-length, next-generation sequencing is listed below each pie chart. (C) Virograms summarizing individual HIV-1 proviral sequences aligned to the HXB2 reference genome from each participant; color coding reflects the classification of proviral sequences.