Extended Data Fig. 1. 0273 neurons drive reward seeking despite shock during training or testing.
a, Left: Protocol. Right: Starved UAS-CsChr control flies show a time-dependent increase in CS+/90 V avoidance (n = 8). b, Left: Protocol. Right: Starved flies trained with 0273-neuron activation approach the reward-predicting CS+ despite 90 V shock during testing compared with genetic controls (n = 6, 10, 8). c, Left: Protocol. Right: Starved flies trained with odour and 0273-neuron stimulation display strong conditioned approach even when 90 V shocks are presented with the CS+ during training (n = 10, 10, 11). d, Left: Protocol. Right: Starved flies trained with odour and 0273-neuron stimulation display strong conditioned approach after 120 V shocks are presented with the CS+ during training (n = 8). e, Left: Protocol. Right: Similar results are observed when the sequence of CS+ and CS− odours are reversed during 90 V training (n = 10, 10, 12). Different letters above bars indicate significantly different groups (p < 0.05; one-way ANOVA then Tukey’s HSD). All data mean ± SEM; dots are individual data points that correspond to independent behavioural experiments. Exact statistical values and comparisons in Supplementary Information.