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. 2023 Nov 1;623(7986):387–396. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06680-7

Extended Data Fig. 3. Organ specific spatial mapping of NPY2R vagal sensory neuron (VSN) fiber projections to the brainstem.

Extended Data Fig. 3

a, Brainstem images showing projection patterns of retrogradely labeled heart ventricle (green) or lung (red) innervating NPY2R VSNs with indicated bregma coordinates. Lung fibers were more prominent in caudal sections. Area postrema (AP) is predominantly labeled by heart ventricle projecting VSNs (n = 5) b, Schematic of retrograde tracing from AP in NPY2R-Cre mice. c, Nodose ganglia with retrogradely labeled NPY2R neurons projecting to the AP. d, Quantification of retrogradely labeled NPY2R neurons in nodose and the brain. Almost all NPY2R projections to the AP were from the nodose ganglia (n = 3). e, NPY2R VSN terminals in the heart ventricles and lung after retro-labeling from the AP. f, Quantifications of fiber density of NPY2R VSNs in heart ventricles and lung after retro-labeling from the AP (n = 3). All error bars show mean ± s.e.m., Scale bars, 100 μm.