Fig. 3.
Errors in calculated A reflection magnitude, B reflected wave return time, and C root mean square error for forward/backward waveform components. Data are from Group 1 (children/adolescents with normal left ventricle and aorta), obtained with a representative PCMRI-derived flow waveform (RepFlow); representative Doppler-derived adult flow waveform from Kips et al. [28] with a triangular flow waveform; with a virtual Doppler ultrasound applied to the spectral envelope (DopEnv) or mean velocity (DopMean) within a realistic sample volume; or with peak velocity in the whole lumen (PeakU). Individual errors were calculated via leave-one-out cross-validation. The solid horizontal lines in panels A and B correspond to the zero error line; the dashed horizontal lines indicate the interquartile range for RepFlow as a reference.