(A) Characteristics of the CSF protein database from the Emory Goizueta ADRC cohort.
(B) The most significant Ingenuity pathways based on the CSF proteins changed by aging (p≤0.05).
(C) The most significant Ingenuity pathways based on the CSF proteins changed by aging in healthy individuals versus AD (p≤0.05).
(D) Volcano plot showing significantly changed CSF proteins in AD compared with healthy individuals in 45–55 (n=29), 56–65 (n=97), 66–75 (n=133) and 76–90 (n=38) year-old age groups (p≤0.05, NS: not significant).
(E) The most significant Ingenuity pathways based on the CSF proteins changed by aging in AD compared with healthy individuals in different age groups (p≤0.05).
(F) Sankey diagram showing significantly changed inflammatory pathways in AD compared with healthy individuals across different age groups (p≤0.05).