a. Schematic of a head-restrained mouse reaching with left hand for a waterspout positioned at one of five locations (ipsilateral P1, P2; central P3; contralateral P4, P5).
b. RWD involves reach, withdraw and consume action phases. The reach begins with the hand lift from the start position to the advance endpoint at the waterspout; withdraw starts with the grasp at the reach endpoint and ends with licking onset; consume includes licking and ends when the hand is replaced at the start position.
c. Movement time series of reach onset to consume. The horizontal scale is time, and the vertical scale shows movement kinematics (). Arrows point to two separate hand speed changes that reflect sub-movement adjustments during reaching. The color code for reach, withdraw and consume is used in all subsequent figures.
d. Distributions of the occurrence of onset timepoints of the reach and the first hand lick relative to the reach endpoint (0, dashed vertical line). (Reach duration: 308.3 ± 388.6 (median ± SD) ms; withdraw duration: 175.0 ± 354.4 ms; trials of 74 sessions from 27 mice.)
e. Hand-mouth coordination upon the onset of tongue protrusion to lick water from the hand. The rotation angle is the direction change of the hand rotation vector (s) from the resting posture, at which s is in the opposite direction of the horizontal reference vector (gray). Rotation angle 0 and indicate palm facing downward and upward, respectively. Endpoint: 1.67 ± 0.35 rad; lick onset: 2.38 ± 0.38 rad. trials.
f. Waterspout dependent modulation of hand trajectories. Three random trials were annotated with action phases for each waterspout position in the same session. The dashed line in the schematic inset indicates the reference direction in relation to waterspout location (+).