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[Preprint]. 2023 Oct 26:2023.10.24.563814. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2023.10.24.563814

Extended Data Fig. 5. UMAP relationships between samples from the brain based on AFs of validated MVs.

Extended Data Fig. 5.

Clustering by the same hemisphere validates lateralization of brain-derived cell clones except for the independent origin of microglia (marked by PU.1, arrow). (a–c) UMAP clustering in ID01 samples labeled by (a) cell type, (b) gross region, or (c) subregion, respectively. Clustered samples tend to show similar AF patterns. (d–f) UMAP clustering in ID05 samples labeled by (d) cell type, (e) region, or (f) subregion, respectively. Although PU.1 cells were not sorted in ID05, other findings are similar between ID01 and ID05.