(a) Example event. Top, spike rates averaged across neurons of individual clusters: Each firing rate curve is the smoothed mean firing rate across the population of cells belonging to each cluster. We defined clusters as “active” if at any point their rates exceed twice that of any other cluster. Three clusters meet the criterion of being active (green, then red, then blue). Bottom, raster plots: Cells belonging to each of the active clusters are plotted separately in the respective colors. Cells in multiple clusters contribute to multiple population curves, and cells in multiple active clusters appear in multiple rows of the raster plot. Cells that participate but are not in any active clusters are labeled “Other cells” and plotted in black. Only active cells are plotted. (b) For the fiducial parameter set (15 clusters, mean cluster participation of 1.25), the distribution over events of the number of active clusters per event. (c) The mean number of active clusters per event as a function of the network parameters. Same data as that used for the parameter grids in earlier figures. (d) For the fiducial parameter set (15 clusters, mean cluster participation of 1.25), the distribution of durations of active clusters for all active cluster periods across all events. The active duration was defined as the duration for which an active cluster remained the most-active cluster. (e) The mean active cluster duration as a function of the network parameters.