(a) Place fields from a single network with simulated runs in both directions of travel on a linear track in two different environments. Each column of panels is the set of place fields for the trajectory labeled on the diagonal. Each row of panels has cells sorted by the order of place-field peaks for the trajectory labeled on the diagonal. The values are the correlations between the corresponding remapped trajectory with its comparison on the diagonal. Note that correlations mirrored across the diagonal are equal because they correspond only to a change in the labels of the dimensions of the population rate vectors, which does not affect the vector correlation. (b) Distribution of the place-field map correlations across trajectories from both directions of travel on a linear track in two environments for 10 networks. Blue is the distribution of correlations for all left vs right place-field maps from the same environment. Red is the correlations from all pair-wise comparisons of trajectories from different environments. (c) An example event with a statistically significant trajectory when decoded with place fields from Env. 1 left (absolute correlation at the 99th percentile of time-bin shuffles) but not when decoded with place fields of the other trajectories (78 th, , and percentiles for Env. 1 right, Env. 2 left, and Env. 2 right, respectively). (d) An entire set of PBEs shows similar levels of absolute weighted correlations when decoded with different sets of place fields. In color are CDFs of absolute weighted correlations of decoded trajectories with leftward and rightward linear trajectories in each of the two environments (R1 and L1 are the rightward and leftward trajectories of environment one. R2 and L2 are the rightward and leftward trajectories of environment two). In black (all overlapping) are the corresponding absolute weighted correlations with each of the 4 trajectories arising from decoding of shuffled events. (e) The significance of linearity of decoded trajectories indicated by p-value in color (as in Figure 4b) from decoding the same PBEs with the four different environment place fields. Black squares indicate criteria that were not met by any events (either shuffled or actual). Env. 1 left is the same as that shown in Figure 4d.