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. 2020 Apr 14;48(3):233–239. doi: 10.1080/12298093.2020.1745476

Table 1.

Strains and their accession numbers used in the study.

Morphospecies Strain Host Location GenBank accession No.
A. alternata CBS 916.96 T Arachis hypogeae India AF347031 AY278808 KC584634 KC584375 AY563301 JQ811978 KP124632
A. alternata CBS 110977 T Arachis hypogaea India AF347031 AY278808 KC584634 KC584375 AY563301 JQ811978 KP124647
A. alstroemeriae CBS 118808 R Alstroemeria sp. United States KP124296 KP124153 KP125071 KP124764 KP123845 KP123993 KP124601
A. angustiovoidea CBS 195.86 T Euphorbia esula Canada KP124317 KP124173 KP125093 KP124785 JQ646398 KP124017 KP124624
A. arborescens CBS 115189 Citrus clementina South Africa KP124402 KP124254 KP125180 KP124872 KP123949 KP124106 KP124716
A. arborescens CPC 25266 Pyrus sp. Austria KP124418 KP124269 KP125196 KP124887 KP123965 KP124122 KP124732
A. arborescens CBS 124283 Oryza sp. Russia KP124416 KP124267 KP125194 KP124885 KP123963 KP124120 KP124730
A. arborescens CBS 102605 T Solanum lycopersicum United States AF347033 AY278810 KC584636 KC584377 AY563303 AY295028 KP124712
A. astragali CBS 127672 T Astragalus bisulcatus United States KP124382 KP124234 KP125160 KP124852 KP123930 KP124086 KP124695
A. betae–kenyensis CBS 118810 T Beta vulgaris var. cicla Kenya KP124419 KP124270 KP125197 KP124888 KP123966 KP124123 KP124733
A. broussonetiae CBS 121455 T Broussonetia papyrifera China KP124368 KP124220 KP125146 KP124838 KP123916 KP124072 KP124681
A. brassicinae CBS 118811 T Brassica oleracea United States KP124356 KP124210 KP125132 KP124824 KP123904 KP124057 KP124667
A. burnsii CBS 107.38 T Cuminum cyminum India KP124420 JQ646305 KP125198 KP124889 KP123967 KP124124 KP124734
A. caudata CBS 121544 R Cucumis sativus United States KP124371 KP124223 KP125149 KP124841 KP123919 KP124075 KP124684
A. cerealis CBS 119544 T Avena sativa New Zealand KP124408 JQ646321 KP125186 KP124878 KP123955 KP124112 KP124722
A. cirtri CBS 102.47 R Citrus sinensis United States KP124304 KP124161 KP125080 KP124773 KP123855 KP124002 KP124610
A. citricancri CBS 119543 T Citrus paradisi United States KP124363 KP124215 KP125139 KP124831 KP123911 KP124065 KP124674
A. citriarbusti CBS 102598 T Minneola tangelo United States, KP124329 KP124184 KP125105 KP124797 KP123878 KP124031 KP124638
A. citrimacularis CBS 102596 T Citrus jambhiri United States KP124328 KP124183 KP125104 KP124796 KP123877 KP124030 KP124637
A. daucifolii CBS 118812 T Daucus carota United States KC584193 KC584112 KC584652 KC584393 KP123905 KP124058 KP124668
A. destruens CBS 121454 T Cuscuta gronovii United States MH863109 AY278812 KP125145 KP124837 JQ646402 KP124071 KP124680
A. dumosa CBS 102604 T Minneola tangelo Israel KP124334 AY562410 KP125110 KP124802 AY563305 KP124035 KP124643
A. eichhorniae CBS 489.92 T Eichhornia crassipes India KC146356 KP124276 KP125204 KP124895 KP123973 KP124130 KP124740
A. gaisen CBS 118488 R Pyrus pyrifolia Japan KP124427 KP124278 KP125206 KP124897 KP123975 KP124132 KP124743
A. gaisen CBS 118389 R Pyrus pyrifolia Japan KP124407 KP124259 KP125185 KP124877 KP123954 KP124111 KP124721
A. geophila CBS 101.13 T Peat soil Switzerland KP124392 KP124244 KP125170 KP124862 KP123940 KP124096 KP124705
A. gossypina CBS 104.32 T Gossypium sp. Zimbabwe KP124430 JQ646312 KP125209 KP124900 JQ646395 KP124135 KP124746
A. godetiae CBS 117.44 T Godetia sp. Denmark KP124303 KP124160 KP125079 KP124772 KP123854 KP124001 KP124609
A. herbiphorbicola CBS 119408 T Euphorbia esula United States KP124362 JQ646326 KP125138 KP124830 JQ646410 KP124064 KP124673
A. iridiaustralis CBS 118404 R Iris sp. New Zealand KP124434 KP124283 KP125213 KP124904 KP123980 KP124139 KP124750
A. interrupta CBS 102603 T Minneola tangelo Israel KP124333 KP124188 KP125109 KP124801 KP123882 KP124034 KP124642
A. jacinthicola CBS 133751 T Eichhomrnia crassipes Mali KP124438 KP124287 KP125217 KP124908 KP123984 KP124143 KP124754
A. kikuchiana CBS 107.53 Pyrus pyrifolia Japan KP124305 KP124162 KP125081 KP124774 KP123858 KP124005 KP124613
A. lini CBS 106.34 T Linum usitatissimum unknown Y17071 JQ646308 KP125078 KP124771 KP123853 KP124000 KP124608
A. limoniasperae CBS 102595 T Citrus jambhiri United States FJ266476 AY562411 KC584666 KC584408 AY563306 KP124029 KP124636
The present fungus YZU 171916 Pyrus sinkiangensis China MK391581 MK391582 MK415954 MK391583 MK391585 MK415955 MK391584
  YZU 171918 Pyrus sinkiangensis China MK391594 MK415938 MK415946 MK391586 MK415950 MK415942 MK391590
  YZU 171919 Pyrus sinkiangensis China MK391596 MK415940 MK415948 MK391588 MK415952 MK415944 MK391592
  YZU 171920 Pyrus sinkiangensis China MK391595 MK415939 MK415947 MK391587 MK415951 MK415943 MK391591
  YZU 171921 T Pyrus sinkiangensis China MK391597 MK415941 MK415949 MK391589 MK415953 MK415945 MK391593
A. longipes CBS 540.94 R Nicotiana tabacum United States AY278835 AY278811 KC584667 KC584409 AY563304 KP124147 KP124758
A. mali CBS 106.24 T Malus sylvestris United States KP124298 KP124155 KP125073 KP124766 KP123847 AY295020 JQ800620
A. palandui CBS 121336 T Allium sp. United States KJ862254 KJ862255 KP125141 KP124833 KJ862259 KP124067 KP124676
A. pellucida CBS 479.90 T Citrus unshiu Japan KP124319 KP124174 KP125095 KP124787 KP123870 KP124019 KP124626
A. perangusta CBS 102602 T Minneola tangelo Turkey KP124332 KP124187 KP125108 KP124800 KP123881 AY295023 KP124641
A. platycodonis CBS 121348 T Platycodon grandiflorus China KP124367 KP124219 KP125144 KP124836 KP123915 KP124070 KP124679
A. postmessia CBS 119399 T Minneola tangelo United States KP124361 JQ646328 KP125137 KP124829 KP123910 KP124063 KP124672
A. pulvinifungicola CBS 194.86 T Quercus sp. United States KP124316 KP124172 KP125092 KP124784 KP123869 KP124016 KP124623
A. rhadina CBS 595.93 T Pyrus pyrifolia Japan KP124320 KP124175 KP125096 KP124788 JQ646399 KP124020 KP124627
A. sanguisorbae CBS 121456 T Sanguisorba officinalis China KP124369 KP124221 KP125147 KP124839 KP123917 KP124073 KP124682
A. seleniiphila CBS 127671 T Stanleya pinnata United States KP124381 KP124233 KP125159 KP124851 KP123929 KP124085 KP124694
A. senecionicola CBS 119545 T Senecio skirrhodon New Zealand KP124409 KP124260 KP125187 KP124879 KP123956 KP124113 KP124723
A. soliaegyptiaca CBS 103.33 T Soil Egypt KP124302 KP124159 KP125077 KP124770 KP123852 KP123999 KP124607
Alternaria sp. CBS 632.93 R Pyrus pyrifolia Japan KC584197 KC584116 KC584658 KC584399 KP123974 AY295033 KP124742
A. tenuissima CBS 918.96 R Dianthus chinensis UK AF347032 AY278809 KC584693 KC584435 AY563302 KP124026 KP124633
A. tomato CBS 114.35 Solanum lycopersium Unknown KP124446 KP124295 KP125225 KP124916 KP123992 KP124152 KP124763
A. tomaticola CBS 118815 R Solanum lycopersicum United States KP124358 KP124212 KP125134 KP124826 KP123907 KP124060 KP124670
A. tomaticola CBS 118814 T Solanum lycopersicum United States KP124357 KP124211 KP125133 KP124825 KP123906 KP124059 KP124669
A. turkisafria CBS 102599 T Minneola tangelo Turkey KP124330 KP124185 KP125106 KP124798 KP123879 KP124032 KP124639
A. turkisafria CBS 121344 R Minneola tangelo Israel KP124365 KP124217 KP125142 KP124834 KP123913 KP124068 KP124677
A. turkisafria CBS 121346 R Minneola tangelo South Africa KP124366 KP124218 KP125143 KP124835 KP123914 KP124069 KP124678
A. toxicogenica CBS 102600 T Citrus reticulat United States KP124331 KP124186 KP125107 KP124799 KP123880 KP124033 KP124640
A. vaccinii CBS 118818 T Vaccinium sp. United States KP124359 KP124213 KP125135 KP124827 KP123908 KP124061 KP124671
A. yali–inficiens CBS 121547T Pyrus bretschneideri China KP124372 KP124224 KP125150 KP124842 KP123920 KP124076 KP124685

T: ex-type strain; R: representative strain.

Bold contents are related to the present fungus generated in this study.