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[Preprint]. 2023 Oct 28:2023.10.27.23297675. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.10.27.23297675

Figure 2: Associations Between Cognitive and Non-cognitive PGS and Neurocognition, SES, Risk-taking and Decision Making, Substance Initiation, and Psychopathology.

Figure 2:

Blue and purple asterisks correspond to significant associations (pfdr<0.05) between the outcome measures of A) cogintion, B) socioeconmic status, C) risk & decision making, D) substance iniation, and E) psychopathology and cognitive PGS or both PGS, respectively. Blue hashtags correspond to associations that are significantly different for the cognitive PGS compared to the non-cognitive PGS. ADHD=attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ASD=autism spectrum disorder; MDD=major depressive disorder; OCD=obsessive compulsive disorder; PLE=psychotic-like experiences.