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[Preprint]. 2023 Oct 30:2023.10.29.23297734. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.10.29.23297734

Table 2:

Relationships between motor impairment and stroke/WMHs, stratified by WMH severity

Mild WMHs Moderate-Severe WMHs

Predictor Estimate Std error p value Estimate Std error p value

Age −0.296 0.084 <0.001 −0.278 0.153 0.070
Days post-stroke 0.405 0.090 <0.001 0.567 0.165 0.001
Stroke volume −0.194 0.111 0.081 −0.088 0.184 0.633
CST lesion load 0.888 0.145 <0.001 0.332 0.213 0.120
WMH volume 0.057 0.086 0.503 0.299 0.149 0.044
CST lesion load:WMH volume −0.211 0.095 0.026 0.079 0.200 0.692

Summary statistics and standardized parameter estimates from beta regression models, with harmonized motor impairment score as the outcome measure. Bold values indicate statistical significance (p < 0.05).

Abbreviations: CST = Corticospinal tract, WMH = White matter hyperintensity