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. 2007 Nov 30;12(5):394–401. doi: 10.2188/jea.12.394

Table 2. Proportion of subjects who stated consumption of each food in a given 24-hour according to FFQ category.

Frequency from the FFQ p-value for

Never <= 1/Week 2-4/Week Almost Daily Missing
n % n % n % n % n %
Animal Products
 Beef and Pork 24 32.4 314 43.9 1057 57.8 169 71.0 63 42.3 0.001
 Chicken 16 8.9 281 22.1 329 28.4 20 29.9 51 15.6 0.001
 Pork Products 61 14.4 236 18.1 202 28.9 29 37.2 73 14.5 0.001
 Dairy Products 93 14.6 183 17.6 118 26.5 100 38.6 88 14.2 0.001
 Milk 127 27.0 230 36.8 302 46.5 617 68.7 112 31.0 0.001
 Eggs 28 53.9 358 66.1 964 71.6 772 83.4 88 63.3 0.001
 Fish 25 62.5 592 80.5 1450 84.9 354 90.5 101 77.1 0.001
 Fish (broiled) 32 26.5 521 34.8 356 37.3 30 47.6 108 29.4 0.005
 Fish (dry) 68 13.2 186 13.6 41 10.6 4 7.0 90 13.3 0.588
Vegetables and Fruit
 Green-yellow Vegetables 21 75.0 583 83.9 1229 88.4 615 90.4 171 80.7 0.001
 Seaweeds 15 48.4 378 58.0 866 64.2 602 73.9 83 52.5 0.001
 Fruit 24 47.1 293 65.7 786 79.2 1240 88.6 78 66.7 0.001
Soya Products
 Tofu 11 36.7 484 60.7 1094 67.9 356 80.4 72 58.1 0.001
 Miso Soup 42 41.2 333 54.2 596 63.2 1014 84.7 87 58.8 0.001
 Black Tea 39 3.6 67 8.6 55 15.4 78 37.3 32 5.7 0.001
 Coffee 104 16.3 243 37.0 304 58.8 718 81.2 71 23.0 0.001
 Fizzy Drinks 12 1.4 39 4.6 34 5.6 30 11.7 11 2.6 0.001
Never <= 1/Day 2-4/Day 5+/Day Missing
 Green Tea 30 51.7 182 59.5 1267 75.7 702 81.2 74 71.8 0.001
Cereal Products Never <= 1/Day 2/Day 3+/Day Missing
 Rice 3 75.0 202 97.1 1511 99.4 1175 99.7 93 99.0 0.124
 Bread 74 25.1 1212 68.5 59 81.9 0 0.0 266 30.8 0.001
Other Foods Never <= 1/Week 2-4/Week Almost Daily Missing
 Salted Foods 102 51.5 337 68.2 455 69.6 1202 81.4 107 58.5 0.001
 Confectionery 104 30.5 293 36.7 487 48.9 371 66.3 93 30.0 0.001

a) Based on the Mantel-Haenszel statistics, excluding missing category