Figure 5.
These figures plot the average difference (over 100 networks) of the required number of driven nodes across the time-to-control for different types of random networks having different sizes and parameter values. For the the edge count being 20%, 50%, and 100% higher than the number of nodes, respectively, (a–c) show the average difference in the required number of driven nodes () along the size of the network versus the time-to-control (%) for 100 realizations of Erdős–Rényi networks. For parameter value , respectively, (d–f) show the average difference in the required number of driven nodes () along the size of the network versus the time-to-control (%) for 100 realizations of Barabási–Albert networks. For parameter value , respectively, (g–i) show the average difference in the required number of driven nodes () along the size of the network versus the time-to-control (%) for 100 realizations of Watts-Strogatz networks.