Table 1.
Common name | Latin binomial | Study | Data | Type | Location | N |
Barn swallow* | Hirundo rustica | 51,62,63 | 51 | CA | Switzerland, Italy | 64 |
Bar-tailed godwit | Limosa lapponica baueri | 64 | 64 | CA | New Zealand | 135 |
Blackpoll warbler* | Setophaga striata | 65 | 43 | CA, AA | USA | 72 |
Blue tit* | Cyanistes caeruleus | 31,32,66,67 | 31,42,45 | CA | Europe | 950 |
Collared flycatcher* | Ficedula albicollis | 68 | 47 | CA, AA | Czechia | 406 |
Collared plover | Charadrius collaris | 69 | 69 | AA | Brazil | 14 |
Common buzzard | Buteo buteo | 70 | 48 | AA | Germany | 978 |
Common nightingale* | Luscinia megarhynchos | 54,71 | 44, Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 150 |
Common redstart* | Phoenicurus phoenicurus | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 43 |
Common whitethroat* | Sylvia communis | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 25 |
Dark-eyed junco* | Junco hyemalis | 72 | 72 | CA, AA | USA | 36 |
Eastern subalpine warbler* | Curruca cantillans | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 31 |
Eurasian blackbird* | Turdus merula | 22 | 22 | CA, AA | Europe, Tunisia | 792 |
Eurasian blackcap* | Sylvia atricapilla | 73,74 | 50,73 | AA | Europe | 936 |
Eurasian golden oriole* | Oriolus oriolus | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 30 |
Eurasian hoopoe* | Upupa epops | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 25 |
Eurasian reed warbler* | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 24 |
Eurasian wryneck* | Jynx torquilla | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 30 |
European bee-eater* | Merops apiaster | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 35 |
European nightjar* | Caprimulgus europaeus | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 39 |
European pied flycatcher* | Ficedula hypoleuca | 71,75,76 | 44,49, Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 226 |
European turtle dove* | Streptopelia turtur | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 29 |
Garden warbler* | Sylvia borin | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 31 |
Great reed warbler* | Acrocephalus arundinaceus | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 20 |
Icterine warbler* | Hippolais icterina | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 29 |
Northern wheatear* | Oenanthe oenanthe | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 30 |
Painted bunting* | Passerina ciris | 77 | 77 | CA, AA | USA | 60 |
Sedge warbler* | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 30 |
Semipalmated plover | Charadrius semipalmatus | 69 | 69 | AA | Brazil | 13 |
Semipalmated sandpiper | Calidris pusilla | 69 | 69 | AA | Brazil | 14 |
Spotted flycatcher* | Muscicapa striata | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 29 |
Spotted sandpiper | Actitis macularius | 69 | 69 | AA | Brazil | 12 |
Tree pipit* | Anthus trivialis | 54,71 | 44, Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 153 |
Tree swallow* | Tachycineta bicolor | 16,78 | 46 | CA, AA | Canada | 921 |
Whinchat* | Saxicola rubetra | 54,71 | 44, Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 208 |
Willow warbler* | Phylloscopus trochilus | 54–56 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 495 |
Wilson’s warbler* | Cardellina pusilla | 76 | Authors | CA, AA | USA | 102 |
Wood warbler* | Phylloscopus sibilatrix | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 30 |
Woodchat shrike* | Lanius senator | 54 | Authors | CA, AA | Italy | 20 |
Yellow-legged gull | Larus michahellis | 52 | 52 | CA, AA | Italy | 64 |
Species indicated with an asterisk (*) were included in the allele dataset for population genetics analyses34. The primary study, specific data source, location of the study sites and the sample size (N) is given. CA: Clock gene alleles, AA: Adcyap1 gene alleles.