Figure 3.
Graph showing probability of decompensation or death over time in years in patients with histologically confirmed nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and baseline non-decompensated cirrhosis, stratified by baseline liver stiffness. Baseline liver stiffness is strongly linked to probability of subsequent decompensation or death. For example, patient with cirrhosis and baseline liver stiffness value of 5 kPa has approximately 20% probability of decompensation or death after 3 years, whereas patient with baseline stiffness of 8 kPa has approximately twice risk of decompensation or death in same interval. NAFLD = nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; MRE = MR elastography. (Adapted from Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 19, Gidener T, Ahmed OT, Larson JJ, et al. Liver stiffness by magnetic resonance elastography predicts future cirrhosis, decompensation, and death in NAFLD, 1915–1924, Copyright 2021, with permission from Elsevier,