Cortical thickness (CT) changes in Broca's (a) and Wernicke's areas (b). Asterisks represent different levels of significance: +p
adj ≤ .05; *p
adj ≤ .01; and **p
adj ≤ .001. Box plots indicate medians and upper/lower quartiles, as well as outliers as dots. adj, adjusted; ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; ALSFTDC9–(+), (non)carriers of the repeat expansion in the C9orf72 gene; ALSnci, noncognitively impaired ALS; ANOVA, analysis of variance; bvFTD, behavioral variant FTD; CT, cortical thickness; FTD, frontotemporal dementia; HC, healthy control; HSD, honest significant difference; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; nfvPPA, nonfluent variant PPA; PPA, primary progressive aphasia; ROI, region of interest; svPPA, semantic variant PPA.