OE of Sox11 and Silc1 in the hippocampus
(A) AAV9-Silc1, AAV9-Sox11, or AAV9-GFP was injected into the CA3 region for Silc1 or Sox11 OE. After 2–3 weeks, the hippocampus was extracted for coronal sections. RNAscope analysis of Silc1 and Sox11 expression using Silc1 (green) and Sox11 CDS (red) probes and DAPI. Imaging was done using 20× (scale bar, 200 μm) and 100× oil immersion objectives (scale bar, 20 μm).
(B) RNA-seq quantification of Silc1 and Sox11; 3 biological repeats. Mean ± SEM is shown. The p values were calculated using unpaired two-sample t test; ∗p < 0.05,∗∗p < 0.005, ∗∗∗p < 0.001.
(C) Immunostaining with anti-SOX11 (red) and DAPI (blue) in hippocampi of Silc1 and Sox11 OE mice. Imaging was performed using a 20× objective (scale bar, 200 μm).
See also Figure S4.