Glutamine deprivation induces nuclear accumulation of FBP1 and inhibits PPARα-mediated β-oxidation gene transcription in normal lung epithelial cells but not in NSCLC cells. A. Flag-FBP1 proteins were expressed in BEAS-2B and A549 cells, which were then treated with or without glutamine deprivation for 6 h. Representative images of immunofluorescence and DAPI staining are shown. B. BEAS-2B and A549 cells were treated with or without glutamine deprivation for 6 h. Cytosolic and nuclear fractions were prepared, and the expression levels of the indicated proteins were detected. WCL, whole cell lysate; Cyto, cytosol; Nuc, nucleus; S.E., short exposure; L.E., long exposure. C. BEAS-2B and A549 cells expressing Flag-FBP1 were treated with or without glutamine deprivation for 6 h. Immunoprecipitation analyses were performed with an anti-Flag antibody. Immunoblotting analyses were performed with the indicated antibodies. D. BEAS-2B and A549 cells were treated with or without glutamine deprivation for 12 h. The relative mRNA levels of the indicated genes were determined. The data represent the mean ± SD of 3 independent experiments.